Flashback Friday: Jake Adams’s Pachyseris post from exactly Two Years today

This time of year is particularly poignant for Reef Builders, as we look back to what would have been Jake Adams’s 43rd birthday and look forlornly toward October, the month in which…

The Niger Triggerfish is One Fish to Leave Out of your Reef Aquarium 

Niger triggerfish can make attractive additions to large saltwater aquariums, but when it comes to mixed reefs, and anything under 180 gallons, they are best left out.  Also known as Redtooth triggerfish, Odonus niger is the sole member of its…

Can You Eat Macroalgae? Watch Ladies Takeover with Tia Davis

We love Tia Davis, so Chelsie and Evie couldn’t wait to meet up with her at ReefStock Chattanooga and record another all-female episode of Reef Therapy Ladies Takeover. A macroalgae fanatic, Tia cultures 72 species of macroalgae at home and…

Tank Bred Bandit Angel For Sale At Unique Fins

The gods of saltwater angelfish breeding have once again provided for the lucky reefing community, this time in the form of a captive-bred Bandit Angelfish, Apolemichthys arcuatus. Native to the Hawaiian and Johnston islands in the Eastern Central Pacific, Bandit…

Ciguatoxin the likely Cause of Sawfish Deaths in the Florida Keys

Scientists are blaming toxic algae for spinning behavior and death in Smalltooth Sawfish in the Florida Keys. Fishing guides first reported fish showing erratic behavior in October 2022, fuelling the FWC to take water samples and test pH, salinity, temperature,…

Trigger Systems Titanium Line brings Versatility to Acrylic Sumps

Acrylic has always brought great aesthetics to reef aquarium sump design, but it’s also been hard to pick out a one-size-fits-all design that combines premium features and practicality, until now. Starting at the dirty end, Trigger Systems Titanium Line acrylic…

Inverse Coral Beauty is one of the Best Aberrant Angelfish we’ve seen 

The Coral Beauty is often a Reefer’s first introduction to marine angelfishes. They are relatively hardy, easy to keep, cheap, and widely available, but this can also work against them when more seasoned reefers prefer something, well, a bit rarer.…

TRITON’s New X-PAND and N-FUSE Improve Coral Feeding Efficiency

TRITON has announced the launch of two innovative new products: X-PAND and N-FUSE. Inspired by natural processes observed and researched on the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns, Australia, these innovative solutions are aimed at improving the efficiency of coral feeding…

Aquarium Store’s Moray Eel Helps Describe a New Species

Gymnothorax arabicus is a new species of Moray eel from the northwestern Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Socotra Archipelago, and the Arabian Gulf. The new species was formerly confused with Gymnothorax pseudoherrei, but is distinguished from it by having slightly more…

Sicce Launches a Suite of New Products for Their 50th Anniversary 

Sicce has kept coming with new products in 2024. Back in May of this year, we caught up with Sicce at their booth and saw the prototype of the Shark Pro Nano. Those prototypes, as well as many more products,…

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